General Information
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are acquired by sexual contact. The organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases may pass from person to person in blood, semen, vaginal and other bodily fluids. Some infections are passed non-sexually, through skin to skin contact, or from mother to infant during pregnancy or childbirth, or through blood transfusions or shared needles.
It’s possible to contract sexually transmitted diseases from people who seem perfectly healthy — people who, in fact, aren’t even aware of being infected. Many STDs cause no symptoms in people. Therefore, getting tested regularly and knowing your status can help you live a healthier life.
Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the United States. Risky sexual behavior such as unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex can lead to Chlamydia. Untreated Chlamydial infections can lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), infertility and other unwanted complications. Labeled the “silent infection”, the majority of people infected do not have symptoms. Regular testing is recommended if you are sexually active. Chlamydia is just as easy to test as it is to cure. Since Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are provided to treat and cure the infection.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
If you feel you or your partner is at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a free test. Just pee in a cup—results will come back in 1-2 weeks. Absolutely no physical exam necessary! Due to confidentiality, you must return in person for your results. If the results come back saying you are infected with Chlamydia, we will treat you on the spot—FOR FREE.
Risky sexual behavior such as unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex can lead to gonorrhea. Untreated gonorrheal infections can lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), infertility and other unwanted complications. Many people do not have symptoms so getting tested regularly is recommended. Gonorrhea is just as easy to test as it is to cure. Since gonorrhea is a bacterial infection, we provide antibiotics to treat and cure the infection.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
If you feel you or your partner is at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a free test.
Just pee in a cup—results will come back in 1-2 weeks. Absolutely no physical exam necessary! Due to confidentiality, you must return in person for your results. If the results come back saying you are infected with gonorrhea, we will treat you on the spot—FOR FREE.
Unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex with someone infected with herpes can put you at risk for contracting Herpes. Herpes infection usually occurs through skin to skin contact with a partner. It is not transmitted by exchanging fluids. There are two main types of herpes: oral and genital. Many people with oral herpes, also called cold sores, got it before the age of 5 through a non-sexual way, so it is not considered an STD. Genital herpes, however, is sexually transmitted. It is important to note that herpes (oral or genital) is not life threatening. Any sexually active person can be at risk and many people with herpes do not have symptoms. If you or your partner has symptoms, such as one or more blisters on or around the genitals, rectum or mouth, it is important to abstain from sex until the symptoms or the “outbreak” goes away. Unlike Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or Syphilis, there is NO CURE for Herpes. However, the infection can be managed by a healthcare provider. Finally, it is always important to use condoms during oral, vaginal, and anal sex to prevent getting herpes. However, condoms are not always 100% effective. Herpes transmission is through skin to skin contact and your partner may be infected in areas outside of where the condom covers.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
If you feel you or your partner is at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a discussion about your risks and testing. Herpes testing is not routine at Teen R.A.P. health centers. Testing may be provided if you come in with symptoms.
Risky sexual behavior such as unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex with someone infected with HIV can put you at risk for contracting HIV, as well as other risky behaviors like sharing needles. HIV is transmitted through four bodily fluids – blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV can have life threatening consequences if left untreated. There are usually no symptoms for HIV. Anyone can be at risk so it is important to get routinely tested for HIV. Unlike Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or Syphilis, there is NO CURE for HIV. However, the infection can be managed by a healthcare provider.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
If you feel you or your partner is at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a free test. Teen R.A.P. offers a simple blood test to look for HIV. Absolutely no physical exam necessary! Due to confidentiality, you must return in person for your results 1-2 weeks later.
Unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex with someone infected with HPV can put you at risk for contracting it. HPV infection usually occurs through skin to skin contact with a partner. It is not transmitted by exchanging fluids. There are over a hundred different strains of HPV. A few of them may cause cervical, penile, or head and neck cancers. Other HPV strains may cause genital warts. Any sexually active person can be at risk and many people with HPV may not have symptoms. It is always important to use condoms during oral, vaginal, and anal sex to prevent getting HPV. However, condoms are not always 100% effective. HPV transmission is through skin to skin contact and your partner may be infected in areas outside of where the condom covers. Unlike Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or Syphilis, there is NO CURE for HPV. However, most strains of HPV do clear up within 2 years. Other strains, like the cancer causing ones, may not. The good news is that there is a vaccine for HPV and doctors recommend vaccinating before the age of 26.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
Currently, an HPV test for men does not exist. Women can be tested during a pap smear. If you feel you or your partner may be at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a discussion about your risks and testing.
Risky sexual behavior such as unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex can lead to Syphilis. Syphilis can have life threatening consequences if left untreated—paralysis, blindness, or even death. Many people do not notice the initial symptoms of syphilis because it is painless. If syphilis is caught in the first or second stage, the infection can be treated and cured with a shot of penicillin. Alternative treatments are available if you have an allergy to penicillin.
How can S.I. Teen R.A.P. help?
If you feel you or your partner is at risk, please come in to one of our Teen R.A.P. health centers for a free test.
Teen R.A.P. offers a simple blood test to look for syphilis. Absolutely no physical exam necessary! Due to confidentiality, you must return in person for your results 1-2 weeks later. If the results come back saying you are infected with Syphilis, we will treat you on the spot—FOR FREE.