Why should I get tested?
Sexually transmitted diseases are very common. Every year there are more than 19 million new cases of STDs in the U.S. By age 25, roughly one in two sexually active people will get one.
Many sexually transmitted diseases do not cause any symptoms. Many people have sexually transmitted infections and never know it. If you do have an STD, early diagnosis and treatment can help you to stay healthy—your medical provider can prescribe the appropriate treatment to cure or help control symptoms, as well as help lower the risk of infecting your partner.
If you’ve had unprotected sex with another person you should consider getting checked for STDs . The only way to know for sure if you or your partner has an STD is to get tested.
What will happen at the visit?
When you arrive at the health center you will register at the front desk. Then a Medical Assistant will bring you to a room where you will meet with a Health Educator. The Health Educator will ask you questions regarding your concerns and answer any questions you may have. They will also review the types of routine testing done at the health center. Many sexually transmitted diseases can now be tested through a urine sample so you will most likely NOT need an exam. Some tests will require a blood sample. After deciding which tests you wish to have, the Medical Assistant will collect and label all the appropriate samples and you will be asked to return in 1 – 2 weeks for your results.
For more information about testing for specific STDs please see the STD Info page under the STD category.
How much does STD testing cost?
Teen RAP offers FREE and CONFIDENTIAL STD testing at both of our sites (the Bay Street Health Center and Staten Island University Hospital North).
Schedule an appointment
If you are interested in being tested for STDs you can do one of the following:
Set an appointment:
Call: 718. 226.6262
Text: 718.701.8077
Email: teenrap@northwell.edu